More photos to follow.. Kevin refuses to send me the one I took of him in his very convincing karang guni pose.

Didders don't stress! Prelims are easy peasy japanesey. On hindsight.

In Australia, they watch tv sideways.

The poor chair was never the same after the Prashmonster brutalised him.

Australian chinese tea cups. Goldfish bowl-shaped to bring out flavour.

Australian candles. Made of toothpicks and tissue paper coloured with highlighters. (Erica's 20th la)

And that's why the lifts are justified at Melb Law.

Kevin and I introduce karang guni to Australia.

For mom n dad.

Indian poker with a twist.

For mom n dad again

Kevin and I introduce frontal-view tv watching to Australia.

Daddy look! Commonwealth building! I'm at the corner of Victoria. CUB is not at bouverie anymore!
Eileen!!!!!!!!!! miss you loads babe... glad you are settling in... heee... how's sch so far? tell my shishu i miss him loads too... don't see him online enough! you too of course..heee :p take care ya... and i demand MORE PHOTOS! hee :D
haha hey babe! okie dokes more photos once i can drag myself to the bedroom, which i am currently more than an arm's length from- too far la.. hurhur *hugs!*
hihi! i am your long lost(not really long lost)student hihi!how are things going in aus?miss you alot! i have been reading these books,"Charlotte's web, Jane Eyre and Whuthering Hills...wish you luck!
RACHIE!!!! wow you figured it out! well done, you! Are you really reading jane eyre? I'm impressed. I miss you lots too:)
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