Super Saver's Great Spending Adventure
I spent AUD$6.90 today on one meal. AUD$6.90 can buy 3 days' worth of groceries. AWw bummer. Photographic evidence of the crime follows.
Exhibit A

Scene of crime.
Exhibit B

Accused with accomplice. Police, however, suspect a third person was involved in the crime.
Exhibit C

Possible suspect. Note similarity between his obscured associates and the accused and accomplice (above, Exhibit B).
Exhibit D

The route taken by the accused after parting possession with the AUD$6.90.
Exhibit E

The victim was not able to testify due to severe indigestion- i mean, digestion.
Exhibit F

You wouldn't steal a phone.
You wouldn't steal a wallet.
You wouldn't steal your own camera.
Would you?
Exhibits G and H

Winter.. Did someone say winter?
(objection Your Honour, irrelevant!! Objection sustained)
(Law and Order is on tv almost every night. I sit in front of the tv almost every second)
YAYAYA!!! The Australians are crazy about law and order shows man, and crime-related stuff. They have SOOOO many versions... SVU, Criminal Intent, Trial By Jury, and let's not forget CSI and one other show which I can't remember the name now. Overloaded man. They need more variety lah! Eileen... go and write in for more shows! And I'm so sad that Kate's out! I was rooting for her to win lah!
OMG!!! Lygon street is where i'm gonna be staying in Dec! =) will u be nearby?
e to vicki:
what??? KATE???? noOoOooo! I like vesna best, i want tim to win but i think greg will;P
and to everyone else:
Yes i know, coherence has gone out the window, but not to worry, I will soon dedicate a loooong post to the low-down on Big Brother, my alterately favourite/most-hated show. (ah, incoherence strikes yet again)
to mh:
Yep! Where're you staying again? Our (tush n i) friends live practically beside lygon, it's less than 10 minutes from my shoebox=)
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