Wednesday, October 12, 2005

In the End

While Nish drove Prash and Nesh back to his place to catch cricket (yeah... again, a long long time ago), the rest went grocery shopping for icecream. We made a quick detour to the toothpaste aisle… and another to the shampoo aisle... then one more to the confectionary aisle... and probably would’ve ended up doing the weekly shop if Nish hadn’t called and said he was already back to pick us up.

Ah Nish… You didn't know… But we were contemplating another quick detour to Laguna. (Laguna is 3 stories above Safeway- not really detour material.)

The important thing is... we did get the job done. In the end.

Who’s Cold

Get this. After dinner one cold wintry night, (yeah, a LONG, LONG time ago- I have essays to write okay! for real!) insanity possesses us to hop off the tram halfway home to get GELATI. While very good, it was also very cold, as one would expect of gelati. This is why everyone looks like they’re willing their homeostatic responses to liven up in the pics.

Who's cold?? In yer face!