Hey there, bloodthirsty blog hounds! Here comes another blah post, with blah photos which have no connection whatsoever to one another nor to the post. (Your cue: whee!) I'm mad because I lost a longggg post. Here is my paltry effort at another one.

Yum, marzipan. I love marzipan. I have never seen marzipan in Singapore, except in a plastic tube in the 'Baking Needs' aisle. Sadly therefore, I have often resorted to satiating marzipan cravings by eating 'Baking Needs' marzipan.

(Something resembling) cherry blossoms! Okay I have no idea what they are, but they definitely resemble the cherry blossoms that the tree outside my old house gets smothered in every Spring. Anyway who cares who they are, they're damn pretty and I say we should all blog about pretty things, even though doing so may make you look highly unintelligent and/or unknowledgable..-geable..erm..
Ah, whatever.

The question you've been asking yourself all your life: "Where do mannequins come from?"
Voila, a mannequin shop.

Pavlova YUMYUMYUM. It tasted a LOT better than it looks. It looks bad becaue I took this photo with one hand. The other hand was simultaneously reaching for a fork, in order to minimise the time between taking the photograph and devouring the heavenly thing. (In case you haven't heard of pavlova before, it's a light and fluffy meringue made by beating egg whites and salt, sugar, vanilla, and vinegar. After that you bake it to dry all the moisture, so in the end you get a crisp crunchy shell on the outside and a sweet, eggy filling on the inside. YUM)

SOoo easy to get Paul Jennings and Emily Rodda here! I used to read them all the time growing up. Rodda and Jennings, not Evanovich..eyeballs back in sockets, please. A moment while I gush about my chick-lit find: ~ooohican'tbelieveIfoundHotSix, it'soneofthefewIhaven'treadandsoanywayIreaditanditwassososoSOOgood! Ah, much better.
I will blog! Soon! Once I get photos from Am and Nesh, pinkie winkie dinkie promise. With a cherry on top.