Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lamb Briyani, No Lamb Please

This is the "lamb" briyani Emil and I shared at Bismi's (ON ELIZABETH!!! That's 2 milliseconds from where I live. There's another one here we've been going to, but you have to take the tram and it takes two million years to get there and the anticipation of awesomeawesome Bismi food, as we all know, is not a nice thing to deal with.)

So I'm spooning Emil's share of the rice onto his plate and he goes, "Where's the lamb?" The lamb's at the bottom of the bowl, I say. Nish also reassures us that the lamb's at the bottom. Two minutes later, I ask, "Where's the lamb?"

We got a replacement.

This is Nish. Nish is happy because his chicken masala came with..wait for it..

Exciting News!!

First piece of exciting news:

Today kevin and I went to school!

Second piece of exciting news:

We saw Tan Cheng Han and Gary Bell on our way to school!

(my NUS Law Dean and Comparative Legal Traditions lecturer la)
We.. okay, I.. was going to say hi, when it struck us that it might be better not to. Can you imagine:

TCH: So how are you finding school?
Anon1: Well, we really enjoy the level of interaction in lectures here. *crosses fingers behind back*
GB: Have you grown in depth of thought, as you stated you were hoping to do in your application letter?
Anon2: Yes! Definitely. *thoughts of staring, mesmerised, at clothes tossing in the dryer flash through mind* (our dryer has a see-through door and I am always captivated by the highly entertaining 30-minute spin cycle)
TCH: And have you been examining how Singapore can learn from Australian law, as you also mentioned in your application letters?
Anon1: All the time, Prof, all the time. *thinks of all the gloating about 9 hour school weeks in UniMelb Law over msn*

Lawyers don't like to lie.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Spare Me!

Hey there, bloodthirsty blog hounds! Here comes another blah post, with blah photos which have no connection whatsoever to one another nor to the post. (Your cue: whee!) I'm mad because I lost a longggg post. Here is my paltry effort at another one.

Yum, marzipan. I love marzipan. I have never seen marzipan in Singapore, except in a plastic tube in the 'Baking Needs' aisle. Sadly therefore, I have often resorted to satiating marzipan cravings by eating 'Baking Needs' marzipan.

(Something resembling) cherry blossoms! Okay I have no idea what they are, but they definitely resemble the cherry blossoms that the tree outside my old house gets smothered in every Spring. Anyway who cares who they are, they're damn pretty and I say we should all blog about pretty things, even though doing so may make you look highly unintelligent and/or unknowledgable..-geable..erm..
Ah, whatever.

The question you've been asking yourself all your life: "Where do mannequins come from?"
Voila, a mannequin shop.

Pavlova YUMYUMYUM. It tasted a LOT better than it looks. It looks bad becaue I took this photo with one hand. The other hand was simultaneously reaching for a fork, in order to minimise the time between taking the photograph and devouring the heavenly thing. (In case you haven't heard of pavlova before, it's a light and fluffy meringue made by beating egg whites and salt, sugar, vanilla, and vinegar. After that you bake it to dry all the moisture, so in the end you get a crisp crunchy shell on the outside and a sweet, eggy filling on the inside. YUM)

SOoo easy to get Paul Jennings and Emily Rodda here! I used to read them all the time growing up. Rodda and Jennings, not Evanovich..eyeballs back in sockets, please. A moment while I gush about my chick-lit find: ~ooohican'tbelieveIfoundHotSix, it'soneofthefewIhaven'treadandsoanywayIreaditanditwassososoSOOgood! Ah, much better.

I will blog! Soon! Once I get photos from Am and Nesh, pinkie winkie dinkie promise. With a cherry on top.

Monday, August 15, 2005

There Must Be Some Toros in the Atmosphere

Okay, sorry I haven't been updating. It's just too far from the warm couch in front of the tv to my lappie.

Anyway here's a short post to keep the blog hounds at bay-

Remember how I was sniggering at everyone in hot and humid Singapore because we were having fantastic cool yet sunny days here in Melbourne? Well, ha ha, the joke's on me now. Last week it was freezing cold and during the brisk walks back from dinners and friends' places, all I had was the knowledge that I was a warm-blooded mammal with the innate ability to maintain thermal homeostasis to keep me going.
la la
so, uh..
I will blog soon, pinkie promise.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Majulah Singapura

Every week while grocery shopping, I allow myself one non-essential item which cannot be found in Singapore. This week, in celebration of NATIONAL DAY!! that item is...

Can't be found in Singapore.. In fact, can be found anywhere but Singapore.

I will be eating Singapore noodles tonight with other Singaporeans on exchange and we will all be dressed in red and white. Other patriotic things I will be doing include watching the NDP online and sending National Day e-cards to myself.

Check out this one:
The supposedly eurasian kid looks like my brother when he was a kid. (Hello Di happy national day ~whee!)

This one is cool too. It reminds me of a Civil Defence Ad.
If you get stuck at the second task it's cos you waited too long to move the buildings.

And this one takes the prize for most..erm..rousing:

Happy National Day to all Singaporeans, heartlanders and non-heartlanders, quitters and non-quitters, regardless of race, language or religion, and may you all be quick to take advantage of the $40 National Day Specials before next year, when the sale items will cost a dollar more.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Born Free...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Super Saver's Great Spending Adventure

I spent AUD$6.90 today on one meal. AUD$6.90 can buy 3 days' worth of groceries. AWw bummer. Photographic evidence of the crime follows.

Exhibit A

Scene of crime.

Exhibit B

Accused with accomplice. Police, however, suspect a third person was involved in the crime.

Exhibit C

Possible suspect. Note similarity between his obscured associates and the accused and accomplice (above, Exhibit B).

Exhibit D

The route taken by the accused after parting possession with the AUD$6.90.

Exhibit E

The victim was not able to testify due to severe indigestion- i mean, digestion.

Exhibit F

You wouldn't steal a phone.
You wouldn't steal a wallet.
You wouldn't steal your own camera.
Would you?

Exhibits G and H

Winter.. Did someone say winter?
(objection Your Honour, irrelevant!! Objection sustained)
(Law and Order is on tv almost every night. I sit in front of the tv almost every second)

Monday, August 01, 2005

Law and Wong Bok

What do you get when you put two law students in a shoebox with bad telly?

Public policy made across drying wong bok.

It is quite alarming and disturbing when you realise that the integrity of one's legal argument is somewhat compromised by the fact that one is also chopping onions at the same time.

Law Student A: It's actually a question of maturity as well as your driving skill...
Law Student B: ..So before getting a driving licence, you should also have to pass a.. social responsibilty test!
(both laugh)
Law Student A: There's wong bok on the table. We have been formulating public policy over wongbok and newspapers.

(See, normally I would've left these lame details out, but nooo... everyone wants coherent posts now don't they?? Ahh and now you suffer the consequences..)

Make Do

Okay I don't see any of the 3 tagboards I'm supposed to but I've decided that, in keeping with the spirit of living in a shoebox with few shelves and no kitchen light, we'll all MAKE DO! Until I can be arsed to ask Kevin to share some technical expertise, everyone will have to leave comments instead. Sorry eh, but although the shoebox is shoebox-sized, there remains a considerable distance between my room and his. Besides, I'm in lect now; that means at least 100m to Kevin's room.